Thursday, July 20, 2006

Nekkid & Outrageous...

Here are some of the sketches I did for my "fashion illustrations" from my film and the CG-painted counterparts...

They were supposed to look like fashion ads when layered together. But I never got around to doing that... so I never accomplished the look I was going for, which was the absurdity of most fashion ads. You know, the ones where like, in a group of 6 half clothed- models, there's one person that's naked for no reason. Here they are as separates.

Shout out to Talar (see links) for the painting lesson and assists on some of the pieces!!!



Carly Monardo said...

I love the energy in your colors!

Alden V said...

thanks... i had this feeling that i needed to be more streamlined and traditional... but i like this style of coloring... works well with my style... xoxo